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Vanilla 1.1.5a is a product of Lussumo. More Information: Documentation, Community Support.

    • CommentAuthorsbmcrusher
    • CommentTimeApr 26th 2020
    The rough surface HDPE geomembrane is based on the traditional production process of polyethylene 3D geonet factory price, and the technical innovation of the production equipment is transformed, so that the surface of the produced polyethylene geomembrane forms a granular rough surface, which improves the geomembrane surface. At the same time, compared with the smooth mask of the same specification, the tensile strength is stronger, the rough grain of the rough mask surface, when laying the film, it will form a small gap between the film and the base surface, which can enhance the HDPE geonet manufacturers Anti-bearing deformation is generally used in projects where the surface of the slope membrane needs to be covered with soil and requires a large friction coefficient.