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Vanilla 1.1.5a is a product of Lussumo. More Information: Documentation, Community Support.

    The HT012 22-Inch electric support trimmer made by Black and Decker is a "little jewel" as one client put it. Here are a couple of tips to follow when utilizing this trimmer.

    1. Likewise, with all corded force apparatuses, don't lift or convey the support trimmer by its electrical rope. Lifting/conveying the trimmer just by its electrical rope may harm either the additional line plug or the trimmer's prong association. So also, never hold, lift, or convey it by its sharp edge.

    2. Manure and other nursery synthetics can hurry the erosion of metals. Keep your best cordless string trimmer clean, and when not being used, store it away from composts and synthetic concoctions.

    3. To clean the trimmer, first, unplug it. At that point utilize gentle cleanser and a sodden material to clean the trimmer. At the point when you are through, utilize a dry fabric to evacuate any residual soddenness. Never inundate yours in water.

    4. To help guarantee that you are cutting a fence levelly, you can extend a tight string along the highest point of the support to fill in as a guide for your cutting.

    5. Hold your trimmer with two hands - one hand on the trigger handle and one hand on the sharp edge watch handle. Notwithstanding being more secure, utilizing two hands on the trimmer will give you more command over the trimmer and help give a more pleasant, all the more even cut.