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Vanilla 1.1.5a is a product of Lussumo. More Information: Documentation, Community Support.

    • CommentAuthorkathryn
    • CommentTimeJul 10th 2020
    Portable crusher is a novel movable rock crushing equipment, which greatly expands the operation concept in the field of crushing. The design purpose of portable crushing plants is to stand in the position of customers, to eliminate the obstacles brought by crushing site and environment for customers' crushing operation, and to provide customers with high-yield and low-cost project operation hardware facilities. Its main characteristics are that it can be mobile operation, walk freely, transfer more convenient, ensure the safety of equipment production, at the same time, the work operation is more reliable.

    The portable crushing plants eliminate the tedious steel frame structure and foundation construction, which saves a lot of time. The portable crushing station can directly select the site and drive to the site without transportation, so as to realize on-site processing and production. It is especially suitable for small crushing site and ideal for construction waste treatment.

    Portable crusher is mainly used in metallurgy, chemical industry, building materials, highways and railways, which often need to be relocated and processed, such as construction waste, river pebble, granite, basalt, limestone, quartzite and other materials. Customers can use various configurations for finished products according to the processing raw materials, scale and material requirements of different types.

    A complete portable crusher plant is equipped with classic portable jaw crusher + portable impact crusher, with dual machines, to realize rough and fine crushing operations such as stone and construction waste. It takes only a few days to build the whole production line, without piling, which is nearly 30 days faster than the fixed crushing production line. Create more new business opportunities for customers and reduce production costs.