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Vanilla 1.1.5a is a product of Lussumo. More Information: Documentation, Community Support.

    • CommentAuthorkmei4545
    • CommentTimeJul 15th 2020

    Easy to transport and install

    With ultrafine mill unique structural design, it occupies a smaller space and is more convenient for transportation, installation, operation and maintenance;

    Efficient, less polluting

    The ultrafine mill produced by our company adopts electrical automation control, which effectively reduces the failure rate and labor cost of the equipment, realizes high-yield and high-efficiency production, and achieves a good production environment with low noise and less pollution;

    Fineness can be adjusted freely

    Powder grinding fineness can be adjusted between 50-450 mesh, and the applicability is more flexible and wide. SBM ultrafine mill is the best choice for non-metallic ore grinding.

    Long parts replacement cycle

    The replacement cycle of the grinding roller and the grinding ring is long, so that the shortcomings of the replacement period of the wearing parts of the centrifugal pulverizer are eliminated.