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    If you don't know how to find a job or to get into some occupation and ear a good money just order a resume edge reviews to find out and check the mistakes, which you made by yourself and trust the professionals during the job seeking process.
    • CommentAuthorAkshay_M
    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2021
    Because of overpopulation. Because most of them are not fit for the job . and most of them only wants the salary and not willing to do any job. In most of the schools of India you can find out that in a class there are about 60 students. Then do you think that a teacher can give her attention to each and evey student. Definitely not. That's the main reason, half the students don't study, they pass the examinations by cheating or by mercies of their teachers. These students pass their 12th with only 40 - 50 % then they get into a college by giving some donations, their also they don't study and then they want to get a good job and minimum salary of around 60 - 70k. Really ? Are you kidding ? That you want job for which you are not capable in any way. That's the bitter truth and we have to change it in a better way.