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    • CommentAuthorprintwish
    • CommentTimeMar 12th 2021
    The first driven me mad… since it was worn by a little troublemaker ass teenager, while he was out for what I accepted that was his better half, and what had all the earmarks of being his lady friend's mother.

    I'm not a father. That little troublemaker ought to be happy that I wasn't her father, or he'd be not able to recreate today.

    I'd seen that shirt on the web, but to WEAR that, out on the town with your lady friends and her mother? Better believe it, genuine champ there, huh?

    The subsequent one irritated me, but it wasn't the wearers' fault.

    The wearer was the cutest little second-grade young lady. I work at a school, and this youngster was with her group in the computer lab with this shirt;