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    • CommentAuthorrosee12
    • CommentTimeMar 22nd 2021 edited
    Rachel McAdams is a Canadian performer brought into the world on November 17, 1978, in London, Ontario, Canada. She grew up in St. Thomas in a Protestant household. McAdams learned at Myrtle Street Public School, and later at Central Elgin Collegiate Institute. McAdams at first developed an interest in performing when she was seven years old. From the age of 12, McAdams participated in Original Kids Theater Company, London manifestations. In 2001, McAdams made her TV debut in the MTV pilot Shotgun Love Dolls as Beth Swanson, which was recorded during spring break from York University.

    Rachel McAdams is possibly generally famous as the principal lady in such Hollywood feelings as The Notebook (2004), The Time Traveler's Wife (2009), and The Vow (2012). In the wake of graduating with a BFA from York University in 2001, she made a transitory climb to popularity, going from a Gemini Award-winning position in the Canadian TV game plan Slings and Arrows (2003) to her progression Hollywood execution in the hit auxiliary school spoof Mean Girls (2004). She was enrolled in Canada's Walk of Fame in 2014 and got Screen Actors Guild and Oscar choices for her supporting introduction in the Oscar-winning Spotlight (2015).

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