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    • CommentAuthorkmei4545
    • CommentTimeDec 24th 2019
    At higher rotation rates, the raymond mill is in a throw-down state, and the situation is complicated in the throwing state. At a certain filling rate, as the turning speed increases, the raymond mill will change from a plunging state to a throwing state. However, at different filling rates, the rotation rate required for the raymond mill to change from leeching to throwing is also different. The filling rate is higher and the rotation speed required to change to the throwing state is higher.

    Conversely, with less ball loading, the grinding effect naturally diminishes. In terms of mechanical phenomena, the ball is loaded, the power consumption is greater, and the mill productivity is also large. In addition, the material in the mill also includes ore and water, and there is a certain gap between the actual power and the theoretical power.

    In summary, we can know that at different speeds, the filling rate has a corresponding adaptation value. The fitness value is not as high as possible, and how to find the adaptive filling rate needs to be judged by experiment.
    • CommentAuthorlotad
    • CommentTimeApr 27th 2020
    This discussion is based on the different methods to increase the mill working. Moreover, you can have my math genius review that is there to present many ways to share assistance.